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Smooth away wrinkles with Botox at Estetik International in Istanbul, Turkey. Our non-surgical treatment relaxes facial muscles for a youthful, rejuvenated look.

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What is Botox Turkey?

Botox Turkey is a treatment method that uses botulinum toxin, a substance obtained from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, for medical and cosmetic purposes. This toxin temporarily blocks the communication between muscles and nerves, allowing the muscles to relax. Initially used in medicine to treat muscle spasms, Botox Turkey has become widespread in the cosmetic field over time and has become an effective solution for removing wrinkles. When used for aesthetic purposes, Botox Turkey temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and providing a younger and smoother appearance to the skin.

Botox Turkey is effective on fine lines and wrinkles that appear with the aging process of the skin. Over time, repetitive movements of the muscles in the face (such as laughing, frowning, and being surprised) can create fine lines on the skin. These wrinkles become especially noticeable in areas such as the forehead, around the eyes (crow's feet), and between the eyebrows. Botox Turkey helps smooth the skin by temporarily stopping these muscle movements. Since the effects of botox Turkey are temporary, it may need to be repeated at certain intervals.

Botox is used for a variety of purposes in both cosmetic and medical fields. In addition to its cosmetic uses, Botox is also effective in treating migraines, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), muscle spasms, and various neurological disorders. Botox injections are a safe procedure when performed by a professional medical professional and are a widely preferred anti-aging method.

What is Botox Used For?

Botox temporarily stops muscle contraction, providing various benefits for both aesthetic and medical purposes. The most common use of Botox is to eliminate wrinkles on the face and give the skin a more youthful appearance. Botox softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, reduces the signs of aging on the skin, and helps to achieve a fresher and younger appearance overall. Especially forehead lines, frown lines, crow's feet around the eyes, and fine lines on the neck can be effectively treated with Botox.

Botox is also an effective method for treating migraines. In patients with chronic migraine, Botox injections into specific muscle groups in the head area can relieve headaches and reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Botox application in migraine treatment is based on the principle of reducing pain by relaxing the muscles in the patient's head and neck area.

Another area of use for Botox is the treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). In people who have excessive sweating problems in areas such as hands, feet and armpits, Botox temporarily stops the activity of the sweat glands and controls sweating. Botox acts on the nerve endings, blocking the nerve signals that reach the sweat glands and thus reducing sweat production. The effect of Botox in the treatment of excessive sweating can last for about 6 months and may need to be repeated.

In addition, Botox is an effective method in the treatment of muscle spasms. Botox is used to treat involuntary muscle contractions, especially in neurological disorders. Diseases such as spasticity and dystonia can cause excessive contraction of certain muscle groups, which can negatively affect the patient's quality of life. Botox helps relax these muscles, allowing patients to relax.

Which Areas Can Botox Be Applied To?

Botox is usually applied to reduce wrinkles on the face, but it can also be used on other parts of the body. The most common areas where Botox is applied on the face include the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the eyes (crow's feet), and the neck. Over time, fine lines and wrinkles form in these areas due to muscle movements. Botox reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the skin by relaxing these muscles.

Forehead: Horizontal lines that become more pronounced in the forehead area, especially when the eyebrows are raised, can be treated with Botox. These lines on the forehead will smooth out after the Botox injection and the face will gain a more youthful appearance.

Between the Eyebrows: Vertical lines formed by frowning (glabella lines) can be effectively corrected with Botox. These lines often create an "angry" expression and a softer and more rested appearance is achieved after Botox application.

Eye Area: Fine lines around the eyes, especially crow's feet that become more visible when smiling, can be softened with Botox. Applied to the eye area, Botox reduces the appearance of these fine lines and provides a more youthful expression.

Neck: Fine lines and skin laxity that appear over time in the neck area can also be treated with Botox. Botox injections to the neck area relax the muscles in this area, providing a tighter appearance.

Apart from aesthetic applications, Botox can also be applied to other parts of the body. In the treatment of excessive sweating, Botox can be used in areas such as the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and armpits. Botox injections are made to reduce the activity of the sweat glands in these areas and thus sweating is controlled.

What Should You Pay Attention to After Botox?

There are a few important points to consider after Botox application. Patients should follow certain rules to ensure that Botox shows its effect in the best way possible and to avoid any unwanted side effects.

Keeping the Head Upright for the First 4-6 Hours: After Botox injection, it is recommended to keep the head upright and avoid lying down so that the Botox remains fixed in the injection area. Lying down or tilting the head can cause the Botox to spread to unwanted areas, which can create undesirable effects.

Avoid Facial Massage: Areas where Botox has been applied should not be massaged for the first few days. Massage can cause the Botox to spread from the injection site to other areas, which can lead to undesirable effects on the facial muscles.

Avoid Heavy Exercise: It is recommended to avoid heavy exercise for the first 24 hours after Botox. Excessive sweating or intense physical activity can reduce the effect of Botox on the body.

Avoid Alcohol and Blood Thinners: Alcohol should not be consumed before and after Botox treatment, and blood thinners should be avoided. Such substances can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after the procedure.

Avoid Sun: Areas where Botox has been applied should not be exposed to sunlight for a few days after the procedure. Exposure to the sun can cause skin irritation and reduce the effectiveness of Botox.

How Many Botox Sessions Should Be Applied?

Since the effect of Botox is temporary, it needs to be repeated at certain intervals. The effect of Botox usually lasts between 3 and 6 months. This period may vary depending on the person's skin structure, age, the area where Botox is applied, and body metabolism. When the effect begins to decrease, Botox application can be repeated. For most people, 2-3 sessions of Botox per year are sufficient.

Botox causes the muscles in the same area to relax even more after each application. Over time, the muscles start to contract again, but repeated Botox applications cause the muscles to move less. Therefore, regular Botox applications can completely relax the muscles and provide longer-lasting effects. In the long term, regular Botox applications can also prevent wrinkles from forming.

What Age is Botox Suitable for?

Botox can generally be applied to individuals deemed suitable from the age of 18, but the most common age of use is in the 30s and 40s. These are the ages when the elasticity in the skin begins to decrease and fine lines and wrinkles become more apparent. Botox is commonly used at these ages to prevent wrinkles from becoming more apparent and to give the skin a more youthful appearance. However, there are also people who have Botox applied in their 20s, and in these cases, Botox is usually used for preventive purposes. This application, known as "Prejuvenation", is preferred as a treatment aimed at preventing wrinkles from forming. Deep wrinkles that will form as a result of muscle relaxation are prevented in advance and the skin looks younger for a longer period of time.

Botox becomes more common after the age of 30 to eliminate deep lines caused by facial expressions and to give the skin a smooth appearance. Especially lines that appear on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes (crow's feet) become more pronounced with age. Botox prevents wrinkles from deepening by relaxing the muscles in these areas and reduces the appearance of existing wrinkles. However, each person's skin structure and aging process are different, so the age at which Botox will be applied is determined according to personal needs. Botox can also be applied at older ages, i.e. in the 50s and 60s, but in this case, a milder softening effect is expected rather than completely removing wrinkles. In this age group, Botox is usually used as part of skin rejuvenation treatments.

As a result, although Botox is commonly applied from the age of 30 onwards, it can also be preferred as a preventive treatment at younger ages. As skin loses its elasticity with age, Botox can be applied more frequently and can be used as a supportive method for skin rejuvenation treatments.

Is Botox Permanent?

No, Botox is not a permanent procedure. The effects of Botox are temporary and usually last between 3 and 6 months. This period may vary depending on the person's skin structure, age, the area where it is applied and body metabolism. Botox temporarily interrupts the communication between the muscles and the nerves, which prevents the muscles from contracting and causes wrinkles to soften. However, the effect of Botox decreases over time because the nerve endings start to connect with the muscles again. Therefore, people who want to maintain the effect of Botox should repeat the procedure at certain intervals.

When the effects of Botox wear off, the muscles become active again and the face regains its former mobility. However, repeated Botox applications can help the muscles contract less over time and wrinkles become less noticeable. Regular Botox applications can help prevent wrinkles or prevent existing wrinkles from deepening. With long-term Botox use, the skin continues to have a younger and smoother appearance due to the reduction in muscle contraction movements.

The fact that Botox is not permanent allows people who are not satisfied with the procedure to stop using Botox at any time. When the effect of Botox wears off, the skin returns to its previous state and does not create any permanent changes. However, when Botox is stopped, it is possible for the muscles to return to their former mobility and wrinkles to reappear.

In conclusion, Botox is not a permanent treatment and its effect is temporary. In order to maintain the effect of Botox, the procedure must be repeated at regular intervals.

Does Botox Hurt?

There is usually no serious pain during Botox application, because an anesthetic cream is applied to the application area before the procedure to numb the skin. Botox injections are made with very fine needles, which makes the procedure almost painless. Patients only experience a slight sting or needle sensation during Botox injections, which is usually very short-lived and tolerable. Small injections, especially those made on the skin surface, do not bother the patient during the procedure.

In some sensitive areas (such as the eye area), there may be a slight discomfort when the injection is made, but this discomfort is also minimal. The procedure time is quite short and Botox injection usually takes 10-15 minutes. After Botox application, some patients may experience slight sensitivity, redness or bruising in the injection area, but these effects usually disappear within a few days. In addition, daily activities can be resumed immediately after the procedure, making Botox a very practical procedure.

As a result, Botox is usually performed without pain or with very little discomfort. Using an anesthetic cream before the procedure ensures that the patient is comfortable during the procedure.

How Does Botox Work?

Botox works by temporarily stopping the muscles from contracting. Botulinum toxin blocks the signals sent from nerve endings to the muscles, preventing the muscles from moving. Since the nerve signals cannot reach the muscles, the muscles temporarily relax, which leads to the softening of wrinkles caused by the muscles. Botox is used to correct wrinkles caused by repetitive movements, such as frowning, smiling, or raising the eyebrows, especially in the facial area.

After Botox injection, the muscles relax and the skin becomes smoother. Wrinkles associated with facial expressions soften due to the muscles not moving and the skin gains a youthful appearance. The effects of Botox usually start to show themselves a few days after the procedure and show their full effect within 7-10 days. The effects of Botox continue until the muscles reconnect with the nerves, which is usually between 3-6 months.

At the end of the effect period of Botox, the muscles regain their former mobility and facial expressions return. However, with repeated Botox applications, the muscles begin to contract less over time and the appearance of wrinkles can be reduced in the long term.

Who Cannot Get Botox?

Although Botox is generally a safe procedure, it is not recommended for some people. The first people who should not receive Botox are pregnant women and nursing mothers. Since there is not enough scientific data on the effects of Botox during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to avoid Botox during this period. Since it is not known whether Botox passes into breast milk, it would be safe for women who are breastfeeding not to receive Botox.

People with muscle diseases are also not suitable candidates for Botox. Botox use can be risky, especially in people with neurological disorders such as Myasthenia Gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome. In these diseases, communication between the nerve and the muscle is already weak, and the effect of Botox on the muscles can worsen this situation. For this reason, Botox should not be used in individuals with diseases that cause muscle weakness.

People who are at risk of allergic reactions should also be careful before having Botox. If there is a known allergy to botulinum toxin or the ingredients in the injection, Botox should not be performed. Allergic reactions can have serious consequences and should definitely be reported to a doctor.

Botox should be applied with caution in people with bleeding disorders or who regularly use blood thinners. The risk of bleeding and bruising in injection areas may increase in these people. It is important to talk to the doctor about the medications used before Botox and get advice on this subject. In addition, in patients who use blood thinners, the dosage or use of the medications can be adjusted according to the doctor's recommendation before the Botox procedure.

Areas of the skin that are at risk of infection are also not suitable for Botox application. If there is any active infection, wound, acne or skin problems such as eczema in the area of the skin where Botox will be applied, Botox should not be applied in these areas. In such cases, the procedure should be postponed due to the risk of spreading the infection or negatively affecting the skin healing process.

As a result, pregnant and breastfeeding women, those with muscle diseases, those at risk of allergic reactions, those with bleeding disorders, and those with skin infections are not suitable candidates for Botox. In such cases, a specialist should be consulted and alternative treatment options should be considered.

What Should Be Considered After Botox Application?

There are some important rules to follow after Botox application to ensure the best effect of the procedure and to prevent unwanted side effects. The first few hours after the procedure are a very critical period, and mistakes made during this period may cause Botox to spread to the wrong areas or reduce its effect.

First, it is important to keep your head upright and avoid lying down for the first 4-6 hours. There is a risk of spreading in the injection area after Botox is applied. Lying down or standing upside down can cause Botox to spread to different areas of the face. This can lead to undesirable effects, such as asymmetry or sagging. Therefore, it is recommended that patients keep their heads upright and avoid lying down after the procedure.

Another important point to note is to avoid facial massage. Massages or rubbing movements to the face after Botox application may cause the Botox to spread from the injection area to areas other than the injection area. Massages should not be performed especially on areas such as the eyebrows, forehead and around the eyes. Such interventions may reduce the effect of Botox or lead to undesirable results.

Avoiding heavy exercise is another important rule to follow after Botox. Intense physical activity and exercises that will cause excessive sweating should be avoided for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Increased body temperature and increased blood circulation during exercise can negatively affect the effects of Botox. In addition, heavy sweating can cause irritation in the injection area.

Alcohol and blood thinners should not be used for a few days after Botox. Alcohol and blood thinners can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after the procedure. If you regularly use blood thinners, you may need to temporarily stop using these medications by consulting your doctor before Botox.

Finally, it is important to avoid sun exposure. The skin may be sensitive after Botox and exposure to direct sunlight can cause skin irritation. It is recommended to use high SPF sunscreen or wear a hat when going out in the sun for a few days after the procedure.

When Does Botox Effect Start?

The effects of Botox usually start to show within the first few days after the injection. However, full results are seen 7 to 10 days after the Botox application. No visible changes may be noticed for the first 24-48 hours after the procedure, because the effects of Botox on the muscles occur over time. During this process, the muscles gradually begin to relax and wrinkles begin to soften.

It can take about a week for the effects of Botox to fully appear. During this process, the skin becomes smoother and wrinkles are significantly reduced. The effects of Botox are especially noticeable in areas such as between the eyebrows, forehead and around the eyes. While the effects can be seen earlier in some people, this process can take a few days longer in others.

After Botox is applied, its effect begins gradually and the skin looks younger and smoother after the procedure. Waiting about a week after the procedure gives the most accurate results in order to fully observe the results.

What Should You Pay Attention to After Botox?

Things to consider after having Botox are important to maximize the effect of the procedure and prevent unwanted side effects. First, you should avoid rubbing or massaging your face after the procedure. This can cause the Botox to spread and affect the wrong muscle groups. Massage or intense touches can change the area where the Botox affects and cause asymmetry.

You should not lie down for the first 4-6 hours and keep your head upright. Lying down can cause the injection to spread to unwanted areas and prevent the botox from providing the desired results. Keeping your head upright during this time helps the botox to stay in the right areas.

It is also important to avoid strenuous physical activity and exercise. Intense exercise during the first 24 hours can increase body temperature and negatively affect the effects of Botox. Excessive sweating can also cause irritation to the injection site.

Sun protection is essential to prevent skin sensitivity. Sunlight can cause irritation in the area where Botox has been applied and cause the skin to become more sensitive. Therefore, it is recommended to use a high factor sunscreen when going out in the sun after the procedure.

Finally, it is important to avoid alcohol and blood thinners for the first few days. Alcohol and blood thinners can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after the injection. It is important to avoid these types of substances to support the healing process of the skin after the procedure.

How Long Does the Effect of Botox Last?

The effects of Botox usually last between 3 and 6 months. This period may vary depending on the person's skin type, age, the area where Botox is applied, and the body's response to Botox. Since Botox causes temporary muscle relaxation, wrinkles appear less visible and the skin becomes smoother during this time. However, the effects of Botox begin to fade over time and the muscles regain their former range of motion.

After the first Botox application, the effects usually last for 3-4 months. When the effects of Botox begin to wear off, the muscles become active again and wrinkles gradually return. However, with regular Botox applications, muscle contractions decrease over time and wrinkles can be prevented in the long term.

Botox Turkey Cost 2024

The botox Turkey cost in 2024 will vary on a number of important things. The cost depends on how many treatment places there are, with more areas costing more. The price can also be affected by the center or specialist's name and level of experience; practitioners with more experience may charge more. Costs depend on the type of Botox used and the total number of units that are needed. Finally, centers in bigger towns like Istanbul usually charge more because there are more people going there and the medical services are better.

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