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Mole Removal

Mole removal is a dermatological procedure that involves the surgical excision, laser treatment, or shave excision of unwanted moles for cosmetic reasons or health concerns. This process is typically quick, minimally invasive, and aims to leave the skin with minimal scarring while ensuring the mole is thoroughly examined for any signs of malignancy.

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What is Mole Removal Turkey?

Mole removal Turkey is the surgical or cosmetic removal of various moles on the skin for medical or aesthetic reasons. Moles are small, usually dark spots that form when pigment cells accumulate on the skin. Most moles are harmless, but some can change shape, color, or size over time, and these changes can increase the risk of skin cancers such as melanoma. Therefore, in some cases, moles may be removed for medical reasons. In other cases, moles may be removed for aesthetic reasons to improve a person's appearance. Mole removal Turkey is performed by dermatologists or plastic surgeons and can be done using a variety of techniques.

Mole removal Turkey is usually quick and painless. This procedure is performed using local anesthesia, and the patient does not feel any pain. Different mole removal Turkey techniques can be applied depending on the size, location, and type of mole. Small moles that are close to the skin surface are usually removed with laser, cryotherapy, or electrocautery, while deeper and larger moles can be removed with surgical excision. The skin heals after the mole is removed and usually leaves no scar, although sometimes a slight scar may remain. The recovery period may vary depending on the size of the mole and the method used.

Mole removal Turkey is generally a safe procedure, but it does carry some risks. Side effects such as infection, bleeding, scarring and allergic reactions can be seen, although rare. Therefore mole removal Turkey should be performed by an experienced specialist in the field. It is especially important for people at risk of skin cancer to have their moles checked regularly and to have suspicious moles removed. Mole removal Turkey is an important treatment method not only for aesthetic concerns but also for health reasons.

What is Mole?

Moles are dark spots on the skin that are caused by the accumulation of pigment cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes are the cells that produce the pigment called melanin, which gives skin its color. Moles can occur anywhere on the skin and are usually brown, black, or flesh-colored. Most moles develop after birth and become apparent during childhood or adolescence. However, some moles can be present at birth and are called "congenital moles." The number, shape, and size of moles vary from person to person. Some people have many moles on their bodies, while others are born with fewer.

Moles are usually harmless and do not require any medical intervention. However, some moles can change over time, and these changes can be a sign of skin cancer. Symptoms such as a sudden change in size, color or shape of a mole, irregular edges, itching, bleeding or pain can be signs of a serious skin cancer such as melanoma. Therefore, moles that change or have an abnormal appearance may need to be examined by a dermatologist and removed if necessary.

Genetic factors and sun exposure play an important role in the formation of moles. The number of moles and the risk of skin cancer may increase in people with a family history of moles or skin cancer. In addition, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage skin cells, increasing the number of moles and increasing the risk of existing moles becoming cancerous. Therefore, protecting your skin from the sun and having regular skin checks are important for healthy monitoring of moles.

What are the Types of Moles?

Moles can be of different types and each mole may have different appearance and characteristics. Natural moles (congenital nevi) are moles that are present at birth and can be seen from birth. These types of moles are usually small in size, but some can grow and have a raised structure. Natural moles can rarely be large and in this case, they can carry a risk of skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to regularly monitor large congenital moles.

Atypical (dysplastic) moles are irregularly shaped and have varying shades of color. These types of moles can often be dark brown, black, red, or pink in color and have irregular edges. Atypical moles can increase the risk of melanoma, so people with these types of moles are advised to have regular skin checks. Atypical moles are often associated with excessive sun exposure, so sun protection is important.

Irregular-edged moles have an irregular and asymmetrical shape. Their color is usually not uniform and can contain more than one shade. These types of moles are the ones that increase the risk of melanoma and should be evaluated by a dermatologist, especially if they are rapidly growing in size or changing color. Irregular-edged and asymmetrical moles can be more dangerous than other types of moles and should therefore be monitored carefully.

Raised moles (dermal nevi) are moles that are slightly raised from the skin surface and are usually round in shape. These types of moles are usually harmless and do not require treatment other than for aesthetic reasons. However, in some cases, raised moles can be irritated by clothing rubbing, which may require removal.

Blue nevi are rare types of moles and usually have a blue or blue-black hue. These moles are usually small in size and are found in the deep layers of the skin. Blue nevi are usually harmless, but in some cases they can be a risk for melanoma.

Junctional nevi are moles that usually develop during childhood or adolescence and are located in the upper layer of the skin. These moles are usually flat, dark brown or black in color and have a smooth surface. Although they are considered harmless, they should be examined by a dermatologist if they grow or change shape over time.

Who Can Get Mole Removal?

Mole removal is usually performed when moles on the skin need to be removed due to aesthetic concerns, discomfort or health risks. Mole removal can be applied to individuals of all ages, but it can become a medical necessity for people with certain risk factors or in cases where there is a risk of skin cancer. The main reasons for moles to be removed are:

Aesthetic Concerns: Many people may feel aesthetically uncomfortable due to moles located in visible areas such as the face, neck, and hands. In these cases, mole removal is performed for purely cosmetic purposes and is considered a procedure aimed at improving the person's appearance. Large or protruding moles, especially on the face, can create aesthetic concerns and negatively affect a person's self-confidence.

Skin Cancer Risk: Some moles carry a risk of developing skin cancer, such as melanoma. If a mole grows rapidly, changes color, has irregular edges, or shows symptoms such as itching or bleeding, it may need to be removed. Dermatologists examine suspicious moles by biopsy, and if cancerous cells are detected, it is recommended that the mole be removed completely. For this reason, mole removal is sometimes considered not only a cosmetic procedure but also a vital treatment option.

Irritation and Discomfort: Some moles can cause irritation and discomfort due to constant friction from clothing, jewelry, or skin folds. Moles located in the neck, armpits, or groin area in particular can be exposed to this type of friction and can become inflamed over time. Moles that cause irritation can be easily removed through mole removal, thus increasing the person's comfort.

Large and Raised Moles: Large and raised moles can be aesthetically disturbing and in some cases may need to be removed. Raised moles can cause discomfort in daily activities, especially when they grow outward from the skin surface. Removing such moles can be beneficial for health as well as aesthetic concerns.

What Should Be Done To Have A Mole Removed?

It is recommended that a person who wants to have a mole removed first consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Mole removal is a procedure that should be done carefully for skin health, and it is important for the doctor to examine the structure of the mole beforehand. If a person wants to have their mole removed for aesthetic reasons, the doctor will evaluate the type of mole and determine the most appropriate treatment method. If the mole poses a medical risk, that is, if there is a risk of skin cancer, the doctor may request that the mole be biopsied and sent for pathological examination.

Before the mole removal procedure, the doctor will ask the patient about their medical history and evaluate whether there are any risks in removing the mole. Then, a decision is made about the method that will be used to remove the mole. Small and superficial moles can usually be removed with minimally invasive methods such as laser treatment or cryotherapy, while larger or deeper moles can be removed with surgical excision.

Before the mole removal procedure, the patient is informed by the doctor and all the details about the procedure are explained. If a surgical procedure is to be performed, local anesthesia is usually used and the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. Anesthesia is usually not required for procedures such as laser or cryotherapy. The mole removal procedure is usually short-lived and the patient can return to their normal life immediately after the procedure. However, the recovery period may be slightly longer for methods such as surgical excision and stitches may need to be removed.

There may be some slight scaling or redness after mole removal, but this will subside within a few days. Your doctor can advise you on skin care and sun protection during your recovery. It is especially important to protect your skin from the sun after laser mole removal, as new skin cells can be more sensitive and exposure to sunlight can cause scarring.

Moles That Need to Be Removed or Removable

Some moles need to be removed for medical reasons other than aesthetic concerns. Moles that need to be removed are usually those that are at risk of skin cancer or that show abnormal changes over time. If a mole grows rapidly, changes color, has irregular edges, or shows symptoms such as itching, pain, or bleeding, it is recommended that the mole be examined by a dermatologist and removed if necessary.

Suspicious Moles: Especially asymmetrical, irregularly shaped, multi-toned, and rapidly increasing in size, moles may be at risk for skin cancer. Such moles have a risk of developing into skin cancer, such as melanoma, and therefore a biopsy may be required for pathological examination. If the mole is found to be cancerous, it must be completely removed by surgical excision.

Irritating Moles: Moles that are irritated by clothing rubbing, jewelry rubbing, or constant friction in skin folds should be removed. These types of moles can become inflamed over time and pose a risk of infection. Moles that are constantly irritated can also bleed or itch, which negatively affects a person's comfort.

Moles That Need to Be Removed for Aesthetic Reasons: Moles that need to be removed for aesthetic reasons are usually found in visible areas such as the face, neck, and hands and negatively affect a person's self-confidence. These types of moles are usually harmless, but if they bother a person's appearance, they can be removed with a cosmetic procedure.

Do Removed Moles Grow Back?

Removed moles usually do not reoccur, because the tissues where the mole is located are completely removed during the procedure. However, in rare cases, if the roots of the mole are not completely removed or a superficial procedure is performed, it is possible for the mole to reoccur in the same area. This situation can occur more frequently in moles removed with superficial methods such as laser or cryotherapy, because the roots of the mole may not be completely removed with these methods. The probability of reoccurrence is quite low in moles that are completely removed with surgical excision.

Moles can reoccur, especially in deeper-rooted moles or moles that tend to grow. If a mole grows back in the same area after being removed, it is important to see a dermatologist and have it re-evaluated. Reoccurring moles can rarely indicate a risk of skin cancer, so they should be examined by a doctor.

It is important to choose the right method to prevent a removed mole from reappearing. Superficially removed moles with laser or cryotherapy may sometimes not be completely removed, and therefore surgical methods are recommended for deeper-rooted moles. Removing the mole along with the healthy tissue around it during surgical excision greatly reduces the risk of the mole reappearing. It is also important to follow the care recommendations recommended by the doctor after the mole is removed and to protect the skin from the sun.

As a result, removed moles usually do not grow back, but in rare cases, if the roots of the mole are not completely removed or a superficial procedure is performed, regrowth may occur. If the mole grows back after being removed, the doctor should examine the situation and take the necessary precautions.

Will I Feel Pain While Getting It Removed?

There is usually no pain during the mole removal process because local anesthesia is applied to the area before the procedure. Local anesthesia numbs the skin around the mole, so the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The effect of anesthesia usually begins within a few minutes, and there is no pain after the procedure. Local anesthesia is a routine procedure, especially in methods such as surgical excision, and the patient's comfort is ensured throughout the procedure.

In laser or cryotherapy methods, which remove small and superficial moles, anesthesia is usually not used because these procedures are minimally invasive and may only cause short-term discomfort. In laser mole removal, the laser beams applied to the skin surface may create a slight warming sensation, but this is not a painful procedure. In cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is applied to the mole, which may create a slight cold and tingling sensation, but it is usually painless.

Pain is usually minimal after the mole removal procedure. In methods such as surgical excision, a slight sensitivity or discomfort may be felt after the procedure, but this passes within a few days and can be controlled with painkillers recommended by the doctor. In methods such as laser or cryotherapy, the healing process is usually fast and no pain is felt.

Will There Be Any Scars After Mole Removal Surgery?

Whether or not a scar will remain after a mole removal operation depends on the method used, the size and depth of the mole, and the body's ability to heal. In general, there is a slight risk of scarring after a mole removal operation, but these scars fade over time and usually become less noticeable. The probability of scarring is very low, especially when small and superficial moles are removed from the skin surface. The risk of scarring is closely related to the mole removal technique used. The risk of scarring is generally lower in procedures performed with laser or cryotherapy, because these methods work on the upper layers of the skin and cause minimal damage to the tissues.

Laser mole removal is often preferred for small and superficial moles, and this method leaves minimal scars on the skin. During laser mole removal, the lower layers of the skin are not interfered with, so the healing process is faster and the risk of scarring is lower. In addition, laser treatment targets the pigment cells in the skin and allows the mole to evaporate on the surface, which can prevent permanent scarring. However, in some cases, a very slight color difference may occur due to the sensitivity of the skin and the person's skin structure, and this situation will improve over time.

Surgical excision is a method used especially for larger and deep-rooted moles, and the risk of scarring is slightly higher in this method. During this procedure, the mole is cut and removed along with the healthy tissue around it, which results in a small surgical incision. The incision formed after surgical excision is closed with stitches and a small scar may remain during the healing process. This scar usually conforms to the natural folds of the skin and fades over time. However, the amount of scarring may vary depending on the healing capacity of the skin, the location of the mole, and the patient's care for skin care after the procedure.

In order to avoid scarring after the mole removal procedure, it is very important to follow the care instructions recommended by the doctor carefully. Especially after surgical excision, protecting the skin from infections, dressing it and staying away from the sun during the wound healing process can reduce the risk of scarring. Sunlight can cause scars to become more visible, so it is recommended to use sunscreen or protect the area with clothing after the procedure.

In summary, whether or not a mole will leave a scar after the procedure depends on the method used, the size of the mole, and the patient's skin type. Minimally invasive methods such as laser have a low risk of scarring, but methods such as surgical excision may have a slightly higher risk of scarring. However, scars are usually light and temporary, fading and becoming less noticeable over time.

Will There Be Redness After Mole Removal?

Redness after a mole removal procedure is quite common and normal. The area where the mole was removed may experience redness or tenderness for a short time after the procedure as the skin undergoes its natural healing process. This redness is part of the skin's renewal process and usually disappears within a few days to a few weeks. Regardless of the method used to remove the mole (laser, cryotherapy, surgical excision, etc.), these types of reactions from the skin after the procedure are considered normal and are a natural part of the healing process.

After laser mole removal, there may be slight redness or swelling on the skin. The laser procedure targets the pigment cells in the skin and causes the mole to evaporate, but the laser beams applied to the skin surface may cause slight irritation of the skin. This irritation may cause redness and slight sensitivity. The redness that occurs after such laser procedures usually goes away on its own within a few days and the skin returns to normal. In order for the redness to go away more quickly, the skin should be moisturized properly and the skin care products recommended by the doctor should be used.

After surgical excision, redness and swelling may be more noticeable. During the surgical procedure, an incision is made in the skin and the area is stitched closed. As the skin repairs the area during the healing process, a natural redness occurs. This redness can usually last for a few weeks, but will fade over time. The reason for the redness after surgical excision is the skin's self-renewal process. During this process, it is important to prevent infection and to keep the wound area clean. Doctors usually recommend a light dressing on the area after the procedure and to keep the wound dry.

When a mole is removed with cryotherapy (freezing method), the liquid nitrogen applied to the mole may cause redness and slight crusting on the skin around the mole. Cryotherapy freezes the skin, causing the mole to dry and fall off. However, during this process, the skin may be slightly irritated by the freezing process, and this irritation may result in redness. This type of redness usually resolves within a few days, and the skin regains its normal color.

Redness after mole removal is considered part of the natural healing process, but for this process to work properly, attention to skin care is necessary. Moisturizing the skin and protecting it from the sun can help the redness go away quickly. Sunlight can cause redness to last longer and leave scars while the skin heals, so it is important to use sunscreen after the procedure. In addition, using skin care products recommended by your doctor and protecting your skin during the healing process will help the redness go away quickly.

Mole Removal Turkey Cost 2025

The cost of mole removal Turkey in 2025 is depends on a number of factors. The cost is based on the mole's size and position, as well as the way used to get rid of it, like laser treatment or surgery. The site of the center and the dermatologist's skill level also have a big impact on the price. Because there are more people seeking medical care in bigger towns like Istanbul or Antalya, clinics there may charge more. Finally, extra visits and treatments after the main procedure can also change the total cost.


Gina Moret MD


Çağatay Güngörsün MD


Aysun Uysal Soylu MD

Editor: Enes Aslan
[email protected]
Last Content Update: 2024-12-25 12:19:18

Treatments Video

Important information!

  • Medical Evaluation: Provide a full medical history, including any medications, supplements, and previous surgeries.
  • Experience and Expertise: Ensure your doctor's expertise in medical aesthetics.
  • Avoid Certain Medications: Discontinue some medications and supplements as advised by your doctor.
  • Limit Alcohol Consumption: Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake as it can interfere with the healing process.

  • The patient consults with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to evaluate the mole(s) in question. This involves examining the size, shape, color, and location of the mole, as well as discussing the patient's medical history and reasons for removal (cosmetic concerns, discomfort, or suspicion of malignancy).
  • The practitioner explains the most appropriate removal method based on the mole's characteristics. 
  • To ensure comfort, local anesthesia is administered around the mole site, numbing the area to prevent any pain during the removal.
  • For  moles, the doctor uses a small blade to shave the mole down to skin level, minimizing scarring.
  • For certain types of moles, laser treatment may be used to break down the mole tissue, which is particularly useful for hard-to-reach areas or cosmetic sensitivity.
  • The removal site is cleaned and dressed appropriately. If stitches are used, they may be dissolvable or require removal at a follow-up visit.

  • Patients receive detailed aftercare instructions, including how to care for the wound, signs of infection to watch for, and when to return for a follow-up.
  • Instructions on keeping the area clean and dry, as well as advice on using over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary, are provided.
  • A follow-up appointment may be scheduled to assess the healing process, remove stitches if they were used, and discuss the results of any histological analysis.
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